Friday, December 4, 2015

Module Review: 2015/2016 Semester I

Note: Please note that there might be differences between modules in semester 1 and semester 2


CS3103 - 3D Modeling and Animation (4 MC) (No Exam*)
Heavy emphasis on lab and hands-on rather than theory. On the notion of learning vs. grade, this module focused on learning. This module was a continuation of CS2105 and touched on many topics discussed on CS2105, so be prepared to refresh your memory. This was the first time the new curriculum of CS3103 is conducted, so many things might change in the future. Focused a lot on the different protocol being used currently. While no exam was registered on the module, there was a final test on Week 13.
Workload: weekly pre-lab quiz (graded) x10 (tentatives as some weeks have the quiz not counted towards grade), weekly lab (graded) x10, 1 written assignment, 1 programming assignment, 1 programming project - with presentation on Week 13, 1 final test.

CS4226 - Internet Architecture (4 MC) (Closed Book Exam - Cheat-sheet allowed)
The first time this module was conducted (again, many things might change in the future). It's also another module which focused more on learning new things rather than getting your grades. The teacher said that if CS3103 focuses on depth (of network), this module focuses on breadth. We touches on many parts of network other than protocols, such as algorithms and statistics behind making a reliable network.
Workload: 1 written assignment, 1 programming assignment, 1 mid-term exam, 1 final exam. Both exams allow 1 two-sided A4 paper size cheatsheet.

CS4345 - General-Purpose Computation on GPU (4 MC) (Open Book Exam)
An interesting module. This mostly touched on parallel programming and executing them in GPU. The programming assignments are not very difficult since the skeleton codes covered most of the tedious things to be coded. This was an interesting module to me since I have not taken any parallel programming module. Be minded that if you are not used to parallel programming, this module requires a mindset change in writing your algorithms.
Workload: 4 programming assignments, 1 mid-term exam, 1 final exam

Total MC - Sem 7     : 12
Total MC - Sem 6     : 20
Total MC - Sem 5     : 20
Total MC - Sem 4     : 12 (ATAP, i.e. industrial attachment)
Total MC - Sem 3     : 20
Total MC - Sem 2     : 26
Total MC - Sem 1     : 20
Total MC - Overall    : 130

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Using Fitness Bands for Health Monitoring

There are so many fitness bands right now, and many of them are able to track sleep and such. Given their capability to do so, I wonder if it is possible to extend it for health monitoring. And by this, I mean for acute patients. For example, using the band to differentiate whether the person is conscious or not, whether the person is sleeping or fainting. The band can also be used to know if the person has seizure. It can then be used to see the patter of those events happening.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Module Review: 2014/2015 Semester II

Note: Please note that there might be differences between modules in semester 1 and semester 2


CS3242 - 3D Modeling and Animation (4 MC) (Open Book Exam)
A more advanced course on 3D graphics. The course involves learning many advanced techniques. The programming assignments are also about those advanced techniques. Luckily, the exam is not that hard. Most of the things taught in lecture are for knowledge purpose. A very good course for those who would like to do graphic programming.
Workload: 2 programming assignments, 2 Maya (3D stuffs) assignments and 1 final exam (open book).

CS3284 - Media Technology Project II (4 MC) (No Exam)
A continuation to CS3283. It will be the same project. The goal of this module, though, is formal introduction to software engineering workflow. It will focus on making robust code, secure code, unit testing, integration testing, stress testing as well as security testing of your software. It is a very good learning experience for those who have not done this kind of full course of software development (the furthest I have been before the module was integration testing).
Workload: 3 progress reports regarding the software with each adding on to the previous reports and 1 final presentation.

CS3247 - Game Development (4 MC) (Open Book Exam)
To be honest, I hated the first half of the semester. I learnt all of them on my own during my weekend in the first 2 years of university, so technically they are not necessary to be taught as we should be able to figure out on our own. And most of us inside the class have some sort of game development experience, usually as a hobby. More of the time could have been used for developing the game project. The second half of the semester was more interesting since we learnt many things about the theory part of the game, like how the physics simulation is done, network gaming, etc. Be warned, though; the course assignments are not exactly fixed as they changed along the semester for my batch.
Workload: 3 assignments, many deliverables (game idea, mid-term game report, STePS publicity (SoC project exhibition)), a game, a final presentation about the game and 1 final exam.

ST2334 - Probability and Statistics (4 MC) (Closed Book Exam - Cheat-sheet allowed)
A deep look into the math behind Statistic that we see in A-level. Many calculus involved. While the content is very hard, the exam is manageable.
Workload: 1 assignment and 1 final exam (closed book with cheat-sheet, 1 two-sided A4 paper).

GEK1519 - Science of Music (4 MC) (Open Book Exam)
A very interesting module about science of music (as the course title suggests). A good module if you have a passion for music as it taught you what happens behind sounds. Be prepared for some Physics (wave and such).
Workload: 1 writing assignment on a musical concert, 1 music composition assignment, 1 mid-term exam (open book), 1 final exam (open book) that is held before school ends.

Total MC - Sem 6     : 20
Total MC - Sem 5     : 20
Total MC - Sem 4     : 12 (ATAP, i.e. industrial attachment)
Total MC - Sem 3     : 20
Total MC - Sem 2     : 26
Total MC - Sem 1     : 20
Total MC - Overall    : 118

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Gesture using phone frame

ZTE Nubia Z9 as seen from has interesting concept of making the phone frame interactive. Now, let's wait for a company to make something like my idea so that we can have trigger button for games on phones.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Female 3D Model

Something I created for 3D Modelling assigment. Too bad the face is bad :( I need more experience.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Module Review: 2014/2015 Semester I

Note: Please note that there might be differences between modules in semester 1 and semester 2


CS3241 - Computer Graphics (4 MC) (Open Book Exam)
A very good module to learn about graphics in computer - how pictures and 3D model are rendered, ways to manipulate them, etc. The Prof. is very fun and friendly, especially that he likes to play games and we watch many videos on games and animated films to see the different quality of graphics. The programming assignments help me to familiarize some graphic concepts, which is awesome since that is the area of my interest.
Workload: graded weekly tutorial attendance, required to present answers on tutorial for once or twice (depending on luck) throughout the semester, 5 programming assignments, 1 mid-term exam (open book) and 1 final exam (open book).

CS3283 - Media Technology Project I (4 MC) (No Exam)
This module really depends on your project. It is a software engineering project. My team is doing a game from scratch with no scope of project. As such, we had some difficulty in constraining the scope to fit both the aim of the project as well as the requirement of the module. Also, it was difficult to apply software engineering practices in the game. Other than that, the module would be a good exposure for you to understand how software is built for clients (yes, you need to meet the project client).
Workload: 3 progress reports regarding the software with each adding on to the previous reports and 1 final presentation.

PC1431 - Physics IE (4 MC) (Closed Book Exam)
Classical Physics for engineers. Most of the people in the class would be engineering freshman. Bell curve will save you a lot, but you do need to spend time reading physics and trying the questions. Many contents are in A-level syllabus, either deeper or more rigorous. Quite manageable.
Workload: 8 weekly online assignments, 2 labs - graded based on project and viva (on-lab face-toface Q&A session), 1 mid-term exam (closed book, MCQ only) and 1 final exam.

SSA2220 - Global Economic Dimensions of Singapore (4 MC) (Closed Book Exam)
Interesting history of Singapore as well as her economy. Also deals a lot with economic policy in Singapore. Requires some news reading on new policies. I flunked my final exam, since I am not that good with essay writing exam. Individual and group presentation is quite easy, need to think a little bit but it is very manageable.
Workload: 1 individual presentation, 1 group presentation and 1 final exam (closed book).

GEM2901 - Reporting Statistics in the Media (4 MC) (Closed Book Exam)
My advice would be to the attend lectures. It was 8 am lecture no webcast - tough choice. I skipped one too many and in the end quite difficult to understand the content of the module. The lecture notes are not sufficient in terms of clear explanation. The two group projects are kind of similar and you are encouraged to do both of them together. Group projects need some knowledge from the lectures, but otherwise doable.
Workload: 2 group projects and 1 final exam (closed book).

Total MC - Sem 5     : 20
Total MC - Sem 4     : 12 (ATAP, i.e. industrial attachment)
Total MC - Sem 3     : 20
Total MC - Sem 2     : 26
Total MC - Sem 1     : 20
Total MC - Overall    : 98

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Risotto Attempt #1

So I tried to cook risotto without butter and cheese, to try how it tastes like. Of course, this is only my second time cooking (i.e. first time cooking risotto) and my first was edible (if you know what I mean).

Well, not so bad since the risotto was edible, although I notice some things. Firstly, use hot (or at least room temperature) stock. I used one from the fridge and it makes the creamy texture to come out very slowly and very little. Secondly, butter and cheese would add the risotto flavor, so don't remove them.

I used beef stock which is why it is brown. Taste quite good!