Saturday, February 14, 2015

Module Review: 2014/2015 Semester I

Note: Please note that there might be differences between modules in semester 1 and semester 2


CS3241 - Computer Graphics (4 MC) (Open Book Exam)
A very good module to learn about graphics in computer - how pictures and 3D model are rendered, ways to manipulate them, etc. The Prof. is very fun and friendly, especially that he likes to play games and we watch many videos on games and animated films to see the different quality of graphics. The programming assignments help me to familiarize some graphic concepts, which is awesome since that is the area of my interest.
Workload: graded weekly tutorial attendance, required to present answers on tutorial for once or twice (depending on luck) throughout the semester, 5 programming assignments, 1 mid-term exam (open book) and 1 final exam (open book).

CS3283 - Media Technology Project I (4 MC) (No Exam)
This module really depends on your project. It is a software engineering project. My team is doing a game from scratch with no scope of project. As such, we had some difficulty in constraining the scope to fit both the aim of the project as well as the requirement of the module. Also, it was difficult to apply software engineering practices in the game. Other than that, the module would be a good exposure for you to understand how software is built for clients (yes, you need to meet the project client).
Workload: 3 progress reports regarding the software with each adding on to the previous reports and 1 final presentation.

PC1431 - Physics IE (4 MC) (Closed Book Exam)
Classical Physics for engineers. Most of the people in the class would be engineering freshman. Bell curve will save you a lot, but you do need to spend time reading physics and trying the questions. Many contents are in A-level syllabus, either deeper or more rigorous. Quite manageable.
Workload: 8 weekly online assignments, 2 labs - graded based on project and viva (on-lab face-toface Q&A session), 1 mid-term exam (closed book, MCQ only) and 1 final exam.

SSA2220 - Global Economic Dimensions of Singapore (4 MC) (Closed Book Exam)
Interesting history of Singapore as well as her economy. Also deals a lot with economic policy in Singapore. Requires some news reading on new policies. I flunked my final exam, since I am not that good with essay writing exam. Individual and group presentation is quite easy, need to think a little bit but it is very manageable.
Workload: 1 individual presentation, 1 group presentation and 1 final exam (closed book).

GEM2901 - Reporting Statistics in the Media (4 MC) (Closed Book Exam)
My advice would be to the attend lectures. It was 8 am lecture no webcast - tough choice. I skipped one too many and in the end quite difficult to understand the content of the module. The lecture notes are not sufficient in terms of clear explanation. The two group projects are kind of similar and you are encouraged to do both of them together. Group projects need some knowledge from the lectures, but otherwise doable.
Workload: 2 group projects and 1 final exam (closed book).

Total MC - Sem 5     : 20
Total MC - Sem 4     : 12 (ATAP, i.e. industrial attachment)
Total MC - Sem 3     : 20
Total MC - Sem 2     : 26
Total MC - Sem 1     : 20
Total MC - Overall    : 98

1 comment:

  1. Hi, do you mind sharing w me the notes for SSA2220 - Global Economic Dimensions of Singapore? My email is thanks!!
