Sunday, December 16, 2012

Module Review: 2012/2013 Semester I

I am going to put up the modules I took in the blog, so that people looking to study in NUS School of Computing (SoC) or going to take the same module as me can look at my review. There is a dedicated site for that though, Module Review. I am using the posts to track the module I have taken as well. So, here goes.

Note: Please note that there might be differences between modules in semester 1 and semester 2


CS1010 - Programming Methodology (4 MC) (Open Book Exam)
A basic for programming. This is the first programming module for SoC Students in NUS1. The language used in the module is C, and students are required to be familiar with Unix environment. I had a basic in programming before taking the module, so it was fairly easy for me (though it requires a lot of logic for the problems presented). The exams are comparably easy compared to the take-home labs' problems.
Workload: five take-home labs (each having three problems), two practical exams, one written midterm exam and one written final exam.
- For those with some experience: This will be a breeze. You just need to practice more and make sure no flaw AT ALL in your logic. Especially if the markers guess that you have enough knowledge, they want you to make the program efficient as well, although the course has been stressed to be for basic programming skill rather than efficiency in programs.
- For those without experience: BEWARE! You should start looking at some tutorial, because I feel although the module is meant for you, the very basic of programming itself is quite abstract in reality. I know that what was taught was really basic of programming, but you might question 'WHY' or 'HOW'. I find the module quite confusing for ones with no experience at all. I suggest if you have the time then you should familiarise yourself with the flow programming (such as header, body, functions and so on). An easy alternative would be just take it and don't question it.
1with the exception of those who are exempted from the modules. Exemption is by test before school term begins, usually taken by Polytechnic graduate and A-level graduate who took Computing in A-level, though it is unrestricted and anyone who is confident with their programming skill can take the test.

CS1231 - Discrete Structures (4 MC) (Open Book Exam)
The module structure for semester I and II are different, thus this only applies to semester I.
A very abstract module. Learning the very basis of mathematics in the module, mainly proofing arguments in mathematics, numbers, trees and graphs. Very difficult for me due to the abstractness of the topics. Added with the easier exam compared to the practice, the bell curve is very stiff and some difficult questions are the main determinant of your grade. This also forms the very basis of computing - as the teachers said - and many of the topics are going to be used in later modules for algorithms.
Workload: one group project (making videos of proofing some mathematical ideas), one midterm exam and one final exam.

MA1101R - Linear Algebra I (4 MC) (Closed Book Exam - Cheat-sheet allowed)
A calculation module. The concepts are hard to grasp, but once you get it, you can solve the questions. Deals with matrices, part geometry. Computing students take the subject together with students majoring in Mathematics. The homeworks are very much based on fundamental concept, while the exams are  very much calculative, thus self extra practice is expected. The subject is used on many computing applications,  such as search engine and digital imaging.
Workload: one lab quiz (using MATLAB as helper), one midterm exam and one final exam.

BSP1004X - Legal Environment of Business (4 MC) (Open Book Exam)
A business law module. This would be a very logical module, dealing mainly with business problems when facing the law. Some general laws are touched as well. An interesting module, though very content heavy. Exam focuses on ability to analyze and write out the problems in question, possible solutions/remedies and mitigations on the problems.
Workload: one group project (answering questions and analyzing an article), class participation and one final exam.

LSM1301 - General Biology (4 MC) (Open Book Exam)
As the name suggests, the module is a basic biology module. Very content heavy on cells, DNA, ecosystem, plants, animals and so on. Many parts of the content are similar to Singapore O-level Biology (I took the exam in 2009), though more in depth. Very interesting module, indeed, but many students who previously took Biology enroll for grade, so expect a very stiff bell curve.
Workload: one quiz, one museum visit report, five lab reports, one online assessment and one 60-MCQ final exam.

Total MC - Sem 1     : 20
Total MC - Overall    : 20

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