Monday, July 9, 2012

Illness and Forgiveness

A teacher of mine told me that whenever you are praying for healing when you are sick, you always begin with asking for forgiveness of yourself. Some people may frown upon that idea. The reason is the idea that sin causes illness is from stone age and has been thrown away as time flies. I remember I was taught that in the Bible, the sick were associated with being sinful, which might be the stem of such view. Why, then, my teacher told me to ask for forgiveness?

It actually connects quite well with New Age ideas. Sickness is associated with stress inside your body and/or mind, not sin. Illness is an indicator that you need to take a rest and so on. People can look carefree on the outside while stressful deep within to the point where they may not even be conscious of that stress, examples being me, my sister and my dad. Still, why do you need to ask for forgiveness? I think it roots from the idea of guilt. Many people feel guilty for what they have done wrong, intentionally or accidentally. And therefore, they believe in their innermost heart that they are not worthy of health (although they carry themselves confidently and carefree).

Indeed, being guilty free itself is not a very good idea, because that is the reason there are psychopaths, serial murderers who enjoy their doings yet feel no guilt at all. But that does not mean that we keep that guilt forever. Ask for forgiveness, then believe in yourself that you are going to change, not to do the same mistakes again. Then, ask for healing, for health. Never, ever, ever ask how are you going to be healthy (Although this does not mean you can just pray and not consulting a doctor, because that would be very stupid. Praying would complement all that you do to regain your health, enhancing your treatment and medicine as if you play game using an item to increase damage to 200%). Don't forget, say thank you to everyone who help you in your healing, the one who drive you to the doctor, who help you to walk, who buy for you your medicine, who pray for your healing. Cheers :)

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